A Beautiful Moment

A Beautiful Moment
At The Sea for the first time

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Warm Winter Blankets

Today on this freezing rainy day we loaded a bakkie, overflowing with warm winter blankets and handed them over to the children of Nomthandazo Children's Care Centre in Zenzele. It's been so cold due to it snowing on the Magaliesberg Mountains, here in the built up areas we feel the cold, but out there in Zenzele it's absolutely freezing! When the children saw the bakkie smiles lit their faces, just like everytime we pull up there, which in turn put smiles on ours. It's amazing to see just how appreciative the children are, even posing out in the cold next to the blankets they've recieved without the slightest hesitation. These children at the end of the day, regardless of their situation are just like any other...Full of smiles and energy!
A big thank you to everyone involved in our Winter Warmer drive. We are so appreciative

1 comment:

blanket said...

There can be no good deed rather than bringing up the smile on such very sweet children.If they can be made to feel the warmth of our love this world will be a better place.